2 veckor kvar till SPANIEN! :D
Snart aker man till Anna och det ska bli super roligt! Men sjalvklart har man gatt och blivit sjuk . Hoppas pa att jag kommer bli frisk innan! Ella tyckte da det var himla roligt att hon smittat mig och har i princip gatt och skrytit att hon smittat mig hela dagen.
Nu ar det en vecka kvar tills det blir host lov och da kommer Edwards och Ellas kusiner kommer fran Frankrike och det kommer bli roligt! I helgen ska jag bara ta det lugnt och se om jag kan bli lite frisk i alla fall. aterkommer med lite mer saker nasta vecka! tills dess ha det bra! Halsningar fran mig pa grona on!
War 1
Three soilders are i in the forrest on a mission from the general (to kill the werwolfs) In the forrest they find traces of the green army ( there worts enemy ! ) They just made camp for the night when soilder 6 hears a strange noise in the bushes. He knocks on soilder 20 s shoulder how knocks on soilder 3s shoulder, the stop breathing for a second and then sees the beast raising from a hole in the ground! Straight away there is bulets flying around the places and you can feel when the werwolf hits the ground.
The next day the three brave soilders gets a phone call from the general. He is in a middle of a battle and needs there help but on the way to there is a werwolf attack and soilder 6 gets badly ingerd. He wants the other to go but one thing the lurned is that you never live a man behind! So soilder 20 carys soilder 6 to the battlefield and from there everything goes smoothly until a three headed dogs comes out from behind the trees. But even then the three brave soilders who is more then overpowerd winns the battle and they heed for the villiges to save the princesses from the werwolf that are coming there way. With one ingred man they sets camp on the way and try to get some energy for next time!
War 2
At the catsle they meet the king who is in tears from the lost of there beloved dauthers Bellas disseperens! The three soilders James, Sara and Pam who have got one power each ( James has got super seeing and Sara got super smel and last but not least Pam has got super hearing ) talks to the king and the queen and finds out that Edward the vampire has been snooping around the catsle the lasts night.
Back at headquaters Sara can smel something burning futher in the forrest. I can smell the blue army she says and looks at Pam and James. Yes you are right i can see Isac the leader James says as he takes out his sword under the bed. Pam looks at Sara and heads of after James as we make our way closer to the blue armys camp. On our way we meet dracula and there is a hell of a fight before we finally kill him. And like that wasnt enough out of a dark hole comes a werwolf and with him he got the snake with a thousen heads. Sara start shooting at the snakes heads and after a couple of shoot James yeils STOP! Dont you know that if you shoot the one head two grows back out! You need to shoot the tail he says. Before Sara gets time to do something , Pam swings her gun around and 2 seconds later the snakes lays dead on the ground. James blows the end of the pipe of the gun as he just shoot the werwolf!
After an hours walk they find a trace of a theird army! (The orange one ) Sara looks at her two friends and says This is gona be a busy week and both James and Pam says very busy! All of a sudden the can see Edward the vampire in front of them and Pam can hear Bella screaming in the bushes. Edward escapes in the last minute and after a couple of second they find the princess in behind a tree and the bring her to saftey to the lab!
War 3
James , Sara and Simple get a phone call on friday morning from the general who just found that the werwolfs leader Mac is haunting for them and wants them killed! James who got a new power to be able to turn into a werwolf and Sara who can turn into a dragon and then Simple who can turn into a vampire heads for the Mac. When they find him James turns Sara and Simple into werwolf so that the can keep going with the plan! Mac belive them when they say that there are called Edward, Gabriella och Jenny and that they are on there way to kill James, Sara and Simple and wants to join him! And later that day Mac gets killed by a werwolf a dragon and a vampyire! And that night as the three friend makes camp under a big oakthree the find themself surranded by a million spiders a tousen snakes and the orange and the blue army (who have joined toghter ) to kill the three heros of all time! Will the heros die or will they live to get celebrated for there heroic missions!?
Nu ar det en vecka kvar tills det blir host lov och da kommer Edwards och Ellas kusiner kommer fran Frankrike och det kommer bli roligt! I helgen ska jag bara ta det lugnt och se om jag kan bli lite frisk i alla fall. aterkommer med lite mer saker nasta vecka! tills dess ha det bra! Halsningar fran mig pa grona on!
War 1
Three soilders are i in the forrest on a mission from the general (to kill the werwolfs) In the forrest they find traces of the green army ( there worts enemy ! ) They just made camp for the night when soilder 6 hears a strange noise in the bushes. He knocks on soilder 20 s shoulder how knocks on soilder 3s shoulder, the stop breathing for a second and then sees the beast raising from a hole in the ground! Straight away there is bulets flying around the places and you can feel when the werwolf hits the ground.
The next day the three brave soilders gets a phone call from the general. He is in a middle of a battle and needs there help but on the way to there is a werwolf attack and soilder 6 gets badly ingerd. He wants the other to go but one thing the lurned is that you never live a man behind! So soilder 20 carys soilder 6 to the battlefield and from there everything goes smoothly until a three headed dogs comes out from behind the trees. But even then the three brave soilders who is more then overpowerd winns the battle and they heed for the villiges to save the princesses from the werwolf that are coming there way. With one ingred man they sets camp on the way and try to get some energy for next time!
War 2
At the catsle they meet the king who is in tears from the lost of there beloved dauthers Bellas disseperens! The three soilders James, Sara and Pam who have got one power each ( James has got super seeing and Sara got super smel and last but not least Pam has got super hearing ) talks to the king and the queen and finds out that Edward the vampire has been snooping around the catsle the lasts night.
Back at headquaters Sara can smel something burning futher in the forrest. I can smell the blue army she says and looks at Pam and James. Yes you are right i can see Isac the leader James says as he takes out his sword under the bed. Pam looks at Sara and heads of after James as we make our way closer to the blue armys camp. On our way we meet dracula and there is a hell of a fight before we finally kill him. And like that wasnt enough out of a dark hole comes a werwolf and with him he got the snake with a thousen heads. Sara start shooting at the snakes heads and after a couple of shoot James yeils STOP! Dont you know that if you shoot the one head two grows back out! You need to shoot the tail he says. Before Sara gets time to do something , Pam swings her gun around and 2 seconds later the snakes lays dead on the ground. James blows the end of the pipe of the gun as he just shoot the werwolf!
After an hours walk they find a trace of a theird army! (The orange one ) Sara looks at her two friends and says This is gona be a busy week and both James and Pam says very busy! All of a sudden the can see Edward the vampire in front of them and Pam can hear Bella screaming in the bushes. Edward escapes in the last minute and after a couple of second they find the princess in behind a tree and the bring her to saftey to the lab!
War 3
James , Sara and Simple get a phone call on friday morning from the general who just found that the werwolfs leader Mac is haunting for them and wants them killed! James who got a new power to be able to turn into a werwolf and Sara who can turn into a dragon and then Simple who can turn into a vampire heads for the Mac. When they find him James turns Sara and Simple into werwolf so that the can keep going with the plan! Mac belive them when they say that there are called Edward, Gabriella och Jenny and that they are on there way to kill James, Sara and Simple and wants to join him! And later that day Mac gets killed by a werwolf a dragon and a vampyire! And that night as the three friend makes camp under a big oakthree the find themself surranded by a million spiders a tousen snakes and the orange and the blue army (who have joined toghter ) to kill the three heros of all time! Will the heros die or will they live to get celebrated for there heroic missions!?
Tiden gar for fort!
Nu ar vi inne i oktober manad och tiden gar otroligt fort !
September manad gick at som smor och nu borjar hosten komma har , manga fina fager ute och de borjar bli kallt! Dock inte sno , Harjedalen kallt men kallare an forut. Vi hade ett par riktigt fina veckor men sol nu har men nu idag har det regnat hela dagen. Jag och Gabriella var ute en svang pa formiddagen och da kom det en riktig skur, Ella sa att hon var jatte blot men nar vi kladda av oss var hon torrare an nar vi gick ut. Jag a andra sidan hade en helt annan farg pa trojan och valdigt blota byxor!
Ar Hons, hund och katt vakt och i morse nar jag skulle in i honshuset med mat sa upptackte jag en dod hona som jag var tvungen att atgarda. Inte det allra mysigaste men jag overlever tror jag.
I helgen som var resta Joyce och Ben till Paris over helgen och jag stannade men barnen och deras mormor och morfar kom och hjalpte mig. De var valdigt fint vader mesta dels och vi var ute och lekte. Pa mandagen firade vi min fodelsedag, chokladkaka och jag fick paket! Ella var valdigt snabb att beratta vad som var i men de gjorde inte mig sa mycket. Fick ett fint grattiskort som dom hade skrivit sina namn i. Sen sjong dom och nar det var dags att blasa ut ljusen sa fick jag lite hjalp fran bada hallen :) Och sedan fick jag paket hemifran som jag blev valdigt glad over, fick grattiskort som jag laste och blev lite tarogd for . Sedan nar Joyce och Ben kom hem sa fick jag presenter dar ocksa aven fast jag sa att det inte var nodvandigt.
Idag nar Edward kom hem fran skolan lekte vi dinosaurepark for andra dagen i rad , vi hade det himla festligt och skrattade valdigt mycket.
I morgon ar jag ledig och da ska jag ta sovmorgon tror jag. Ar trott och sleten , ar lite sjuk sa de ar val inte sa konstigt.
Och for er som inte vet sa aker jag till Spanien i slutet av oktober och halsar pa Anna! Det ska bli roligt och lyssna har nar jag kommer hem fran Anna har jag 6 veckor kvar! 6 veckor, de gar allt for fort och snart sitter man dar pa flygplanet. Nej jag ska njuta av de sista manaderna som jag har kvar.
Nasta vecka kommer barnens kusiner fran Frankrike sa da blir de livat igen, de ska ha ponny club igen.
Jag kommer kanske skriva nagot mer inlagg innan jag aker till Spanien men man vet aldirg!
Ha det bra tills nasta gang!
Halsingar fran mig har pa trevligaste stallet i varlden
September manad gick at som smor och nu borjar hosten komma har , manga fina fager ute och de borjar bli kallt! Dock inte sno , Harjedalen kallt men kallare an forut. Vi hade ett par riktigt fina veckor men sol nu har men nu idag har det regnat hela dagen. Jag och Gabriella var ute en svang pa formiddagen och da kom det en riktig skur, Ella sa att hon var jatte blot men nar vi kladda av oss var hon torrare an nar vi gick ut. Jag a andra sidan hade en helt annan farg pa trojan och valdigt blota byxor!
Ar Hons, hund och katt vakt och i morse nar jag skulle in i honshuset med mat sa upptackte jag en dod hona som jag var tvungen att atgarda. Inte det allra mysigaste men jag overlever tror jag.
I helgen som var resta Joyce och Ben till Paris over helgen och jag stannade men barnen och deras mormor och morfar kom och hjalpte mig. De var valdigt fint vader mesta dels och vi var ute och lekte. Pa mandagen firade vi min fodelsedag, chokladkaka och jag fick paket! Ella var valdigt snabb att beratta vad som var i men de gjorde inte mig sa mycket. Fick ett fint grattiskort som dom hade skrivit sina namn i. Sen sjong dom och nar det var dags att blasa ut ljusen sa fick jag lite hjalp fran bada hallen :) Och sedan fick jag paket hemifran som jag blev valdigt glad over, fick grattiskort som jag laste och blev lite tarogd for . Sedan nar Joyce och Ben kom hem sa fick jag presenter dar ocksa aven fast jag sa att det inte var nodvandigt.
Idag nar Edward kom hem fran skolan lekte vi dinosaurepark for andra dagen i rad , vi hade det himla festligt och skrattade valdigt mycket.
I morgon ar jag ledig och da ska jag ta sovmorgon tror jag. Ar trott och sleten , ar lite sjuk sa de ar val inte sa konstigt.
Och for er som inte vet sa aker jag till Spanien i slutet av oktober och halsar pa Anna! Det ska bli roligt och lyssna har nar jag kommer hem fran Anna har jag 6 veckor kvar! 6 veckor, de gar allt for fort och snart sitter man dar pa flygplanet. Nej jag ska njuta av de sista manaderna som jag har kvar.
Nasta vecka kommer barnens kusiner fran Frankrike sa da blir de livat igen, de ska ha ponny club igen.
Jag kommer kanske skriva nagot mer inlagg innan jag aker till Spanien men man vet aldirg!
Ha det bra tills nasta gang!
Halsingar fran mig har pa trevligaste stallet i varlden